Borges Biographies & Memoirs
- At August 05, 2022
- By Great Quail
- In Borges
Borges Biography
Jorge Luís Borges: A Biographical Sketch
The Garden’s original biographical sketch of Jorge Luis Borges, written by Allen B. Ruch.
Borges Biographies & Memoirs
The following pages offer descriptions and commentary on published works of Borges-related biographies and memoirs. If you have a question about where a particular volume is located, check the “Quick Reference Card” after the following links:
Borges Biographies
Starting with Emir Rodríguez Monegal’s Literary Biography, these are general biographies of Jorge Luis Borges. Some cover his whole life, others focus on specific times and places.
This page collects memoirs by people who actually knew or met Borges.
Quick Reference Card
Borges Biographies
Bioy Casares, Adolfo. Borges
di Giovanni, Norman Thomas. Georgie and Elsa: Jorge Luis Borges and His Wife: The Untold Story
Lennon, Adrian. Hispanics of Achievement: Jorge Luis Borges
Monegal, Emir Rodríguez. Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography
Williamson, Edwin. Borges: A Life
Wilson, Jason. Jorge Luis Borges (Critical Lives)
Woodall, James. The Man in the Mirror of the Book / Borges: A Life
Barnstone, Willis. With Borges on an Ordinary Evening in Buenos Aires: A Memoir
di Giovanni, Norman Thomas. The Lesson of the Master: On Borges and His Work
Manguel, Alberto. Con Borges/With Borges
Parini, Jay. Borges and Me: An Encounter
Theroux, Paul. The Old Patagonian Express: By Train Through the Americas
Vargas Llosa, Mario. Medio siglo con Borges
Author: Allen Ruch
Last Modified: 30 August 2024
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