- At August 23, 2018
- By Great Quail
- In Deadlands, Grimoire
Power: Shaman, Magic, Shaman, Faith, Weird Science
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2+
Range: Touch/Voice/Sight
Duration: Determined by PP
Trappings: Special touch, waters of Lethe, neuralyzer device, psychic paper, etc.
This Power allows the caster to erase memories from a target’s mind. The base cost is 2 Power Points, but this expenditure may be cumulatively doubled for each additional hour of erasure. For instance, wiping someone’s memory of the last hour costs 2 PP; two hours costs 4 PP, three hours costs 8 PP, four hours costs 16 PP, and so forth. A raise on the Spellcasting roll decreases the base cost to 1 PP, while a Critical Success elongates the time period to days instead of hours. Success is determined by a Spellcasting roll vs. a Target Number equal to the target’s Spirit die. This may be modified by extraneous circumstances; for instance, a drunk, drugged, or drowsy target may offer less resistance, and the Marshal may temporarily reduce his Spirit. A willing target offers only TN-3.
Specific Memories
A Veteran caster may use Oblivion to remove specific memories, providing they were created in the timeframe determined by the number of expended Power Point. Selecting particular memories increases the difficulty of casting the spell, incurring a –2 penalty to the Spellcasting roll.
The use of Oblivion leaves a lasting magical impression in the subject’s mind. In order to detect that a person has been subjected to Oblivion, an Arcane character must employ Detect Arcana with the specific intention of searching for magical tampering. A successful Spellcasting roll determines that Oblivion has been used to erase memories, a raise reveals the general time frame of the erasure. In order to restore these lost memories, a successful Dispel must be cast. In this case, the Spellcasting roll is against a Target Number equal to the Spirit die of the Arcane character who originally cast the Oblivion.
Author: A. Buell Ruch
Last Modified: 2019 February 23
Email: quail (at) shipwrecklibrary (dot) com
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