Welcome to the Garden of Forking Paths, the Web’s oldest site devoted to Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentine writer, poet and philosopher. Hosted on Shipwreck Library, the Garden of Forking Paths is part of The Modern Word, a collection of pages dedicated to exploring twentieth-century literature.

Adolfo Bioy Casares’ massive Borges biography is being translated into English by Valrie Miles, and will be published by NYRB on 2025.

Oxford Handbook of Borges
A new collection of Borges essays (September 2024)

The Garden contains the following sections. You may also use the “Borges” menu at the top of the page.

I, unfortunately, am Borges
A brief biography of Jorge Luis Borges, with a timeline and an explanation of historical events that helped shape his writing.

Games with time and infinity
A comprehensive Borges bibliography, with summaries of his major works. Includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and collaborations.

His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future.
(Special Features)
A few special features found only at The Garden of Forking Paths.

Any time something is written against me, I not only share the sentiment but feel I could do the job far better myself
A selection of reviews of Borges translations, literary criticism, and Borges-related writing.

Nothing, nothing, my friend; what I have told you: I am not sure of anything, I know nothing
An archive of interviews with Borges.

Whoever reads my words is inventing them
Analysis, biography and criticism: a list of books about Borges and his works.

A collection of quotations from Borges’ works of fiction, nonfiction, and lectures. In another time and place, these are probably recipes, or instructions on how to build a bicycle…

Poetry always remembers that it was an oral art before it was a written art. It remembers that it was first song
Borges on audio and other spoken-word media.

A Film was once called a “biograph”; now we generally say “cinematograph.”
Cinema and documentaries relating to Borges of his work.

Cascades in music, gentlest of all time’s shapes
From pop to classical to tango, this section explores music inspired by Borges.

One generation of Tlönists would be enough
(Borges as an Influence)
From magical realists to comic surrealists: artists and writers who have been influenced or inspired by Borges.

The Crimson Hexagon
(Books Borges Never Wrote)
A fictional bookshelf, containing all the volumes Borges never wrote. I give you my word, however, that they are just as valid as the books he did write. [TBD]

Reality may avoid the obligation to be interesting, but hypothesis may not

Papers and essays about Borges and his work.

Every memorable man runs the risk of being minted in anecdotes.
A collection of links to articles about Borges and his work.

A translucent network of minimal surprises
(Offsite Links)
More books from the Library of Babel: links to other sites around the Web pertaining to Borges.

There is no intellectual exercise which is not ultimately useless.
Do you have a question about Borges, this Web site, or the fellow who runs it? Try the Garden of Forking Paths FAQ file first. [TBD]

His descendants still seek, nor will they find, the one word that contains the universe
(The Borges Center)
A few words about the most comprehensive Borges site on the Web, the Borges Center at the University of Pittsburgh.

How easy it would be not to think of a Quail!
Send email to the Garden’s editor—comments, suggestions, corrections, criticisms, submissions; all are welcome.

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