Borges Film – Oraingoz Izen Gabe
- At October 06, 2018
- By Great Quail
- In Borges
Oraingoz Izen Gabe
Todavía sin nombre / Still Nameless
1986, Spain, 58 min.
Directed by José Julián Bakedano.
Produced by José Julián Bakedano.
Screenplay by Bernardo Atxaga.
Cinematography by Gabriel Beristain.
Music by Ruper Ordorika and Anton Valverde.
Felix Arcarzo — Manuel
Juan Antonio Landaluze — Ramon
Elene Lizarralde — Esther
Based on Borges’ short story “The Intruder,” Oraingoz Izen Gabe relocates the scenario to the Basque region of Spain. The brothers Ramón and Manuel have been peacefully running a mountain greenhouse for years. When one of the brothers brings home a prostitute, their lives are shattered.
The Argentine writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky briefly mentions Oraingoz Izen Gabe in his book, Borges In/And/On Film:
The hour-long Basque film partly results from the recent Spanish policy of cultural decentralization, which allows different regions not only to speak their own tongues but also to develop their cultural heritages. A very “minimal” venture, in which Borges’s story goes uncredited, the film is intriguing for having both brothers run a greenhouse business, thus placing them in a latter-day professional context while keeping them isolated and close to nature. They speak Basque between themselves; the woman, a whore from the next town, speaks Spanish.
Additional Information
You can watch the trailer for Oraingoz Izen Gabe on Vimeo.
José Julián Bakedano speaks about his film in this short interview clip on YouTube. [Spanish]
El Laberinto Mágico Page
A short page about Oraingoz Izen Gabe on the film blog El Laberinto Mágico. [Spanish]
Author: Allen B. Ruch
Last Modified: 25 August 2024
Borges Film Page: Borges & Film
Main Borges Page: The Garden of Forking Paths
Contact: quail(at)shipwrecklibrary(dot)com