The Egyptian Fragment
- At June 17, 2022
- By Great Quail
- In White Leviathan
Player Handout: The Egyptian Fragment
FOR HE IS THE ONE who is LORD of Severed Puissance;
LORD of the Flood-to-Come;
LORD of Viridian Nights and Master of the Worm;
Once-proud LORD of the Drowned Ones.
HARKEN! For these are the oracles of HE who Ruled over the
Oceans of the Earth, in the time before the time before,
In the time of the Harrowing,
The time of the Demon Who Has No Mouth.
In the day of our children’s children’s children,
When the water wheel of the world will slow to stillness
HE shall come from beyond the Western Lands.
Set yourself to watch HIM
For HE is of the black flock that fell from NUT in the age
before the age before.
HE is the stealer of souls.
Upon HIM the Gates of Osiris shall not open.
Upon HIM the light of Khepera does not shine.
The Double Doors of the Horizon are locked unto him.
Bones of the Hell Hounds tremble.
Where the Nile refuses Life and the men waste in
HE brings the bread and beer of falsehood.
Where there is the clash of angry bronze;
HE brings the foul oxen of the cold wastes.
Where men lie stricken by the Great Waster;
HE brings the false hope of resurrection.
To Know HIM is to see the End of Words.
To know HIS servants is to be charged with the burden
of Horus.
In that time after the time after;
What was torn asunder shall be restored.
Bones of the Hell Hounds tremble.
For your sons must know the portents
That they may teach their sons
And their sons learn it still.
For the Great Sea must give birth;
Children adrift in stone upon water:
Shall heave from the murky cradle
Fertile with false riches
Ringed by the serpent-fish of Tahuti
Guarded by the Sphinx of Absu
Whose riddle is inscribed upon his brow.
The skies will darken
Ra’s potency will be gelded
The stars will fall
And the gates of Absu
Shall open.
And open shall be
The gates of Absu.
During this Time, only those shall survive
Who have been marked by the Servants of the Worm,
Who have been kissed by the Cold Flame of HIS breath.
All others shall be marked as grain for the threshing.
Bones of the Hell Hounds tremble.
Thou who wouldst stay the hand of HIM
Knowest thou of the Great Key!
Knowest that it was taken across the Great Sea
By the Sorcerers of Ny Har Rut Hotep
And thence entrusted to the Colonies of the Black Stone
The children of Nun and Nunet
Knowest that the Great Key
Must open the way
Must turn the locks
Must break the seals
Must unfasten the clasps of Absu!
Thou who wouldst stay the hand of HIM
Knowest thou of the Aza Ba El
Knowest these shards asunder’d from the Great Vessels
By the Sorcerers of Ny Har Rut Hotep
And thence hidden among the Colonies of the Corrupted Pyramid
Where Bast rules the lush forests.
Knowest this Sacred Heart
Must press against thine own
And beat the rhythm
To sound the song
Of Iao Um Ka!
Thou, who readest these oracles,
Pity me, and weep for me.
For my life is forfeit
My dreams and visions have marked me
And Anubis awaits my Ba.
May my words escape the sealing of my mouth!
May my words have the wings of the Zegret-Bird!
May they be like seeds
Sown in the fields of the ears of the world!
I go now to my death.
Bones of the Hell Hounds tremble.
PDF Version of fully-formatted letter: Egyptian Fragment
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Author: A. Buell Ruch
Last Modified: 29 July 2023
Email: quail (at) shipwrecklibrary (dot) com
White Leviathan PDF: [TBD]