Pacific Ocean I: The Chilean Grounds
- At June 09, 2022
- By Great Quail
- In White Leviathan
6) The Chilean Grounds
Off the Coast of Chile, March 10–May 1, 1845
A) Farewell and Adieu
It’s always difficult to say farewell and adieu to fine Spanish ladies, but the men return to the Quiddity by sundown on March 17 as instructed—Joab’s Binding Oath makes sure of that. However, the Oath has nothing to say about smuggling booze and women; and the officers must conduct a thorough sweep for contraband pisco and stray novias! In the end, all hands are present and accounted for, port Judies are escorted to shore, and freshly-mended sails are sheeted into place. The Quiddity sets sail with a shore wind two points abaft the beam.
B) The Chilean Grounds
Discovered in the 1790s, by 1845 the Chilean Grounds have lost their luster compared to the shining promise of the Offshore Grounds. However, if Blackwood Dandridge is to be believed, Mocha Dick was last seen in these waters. The Quiddity spends seven weeks cruising off the coast of northern Chile. They’ll see no sign of the White Whale, but despite the fading reputation of the Chilean Grounds, they’ll find sperm whales aplenty!
C) Whaling
During her time cruising the Chilean Grounds, the Quiddity captures 2D4+1 sperm whales, 2D4 pilot whales—known as “black fish”—and one right whale. Aside from fight with Chango Tom described in Encounter 7, these hunts needn’t be roleplayed. The Keeper may pass the time with general narration, emphasizing the ship’s good fortune and remarking on the routinization of the butchery. As each sperm whale nets between 30-50 barrels of oil, the hold begins to fill, and the sailors start dreaming about their eventual “riches.” Why, they’ll be unloading their oil in Maui before the summer’s out! Meanwhile, shipboard life continues its rhythms, the days filled with toil and the nights bringing welcome repose as the Quiddity heaves-to and rests from its labors.
D) Gams
The Quiddity continues to gam with other whalers at sea, each ship subjected to Joab’s eager question, “Hast thou seen the White Whale?” And every time, the answer is the same: “No!” Despite his growing irritation, Joab allows these gams to proceed naturally, as they keep his officers and crew in good spirits.
E) Lowell’s Dreams
It’s around this time the keeper should start troubling Lowell with strange dreams. Nothing too revealing at first; just flashes of volcanic rock, the taste of iguana blood in his mouth, seductive whispers from a woman in the dark. A woman who promises him…something, some secret? (See “Player Character Secrets and Development” for managing Lowell’s dreams about the Lacuna.)
White Leviathan, Chapter 3—Pacific Ocean I
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Author: A. Buell Ruch
Last Modified: 11 July 2023
Email: quail (at) shipwrecklibrary (dot) com
White Leviathan PDF: [TBD]