What’s New Archive 2020
- At January 01, 2021
- By Great Quail
- In Quarterdeck
What’s New? Archive 2020
2020 August 17
The Heecho has been added to the Deadlands bestiary. A supernatural guardian summoned by powerful Mesoamerican sorcerers, the Heecho has roots in the Cthulhu Mythos and the Necronomicon. Often described as moiling purple smoke or a chaotic whirlwind, the Heecho attacks by “borrowing” the appendages of other beings.
2020 August 9
What self-respecting Deadlands character has never found himself abandoned in the desert, lips parched, vultures circling, and hallucinating an oasis around every lonesome hoodoo? Newly added to Deadlands 1876 are expanded Dehydration Rules designed to role-play a session wandering the burning sands or adrift on the pitiless ocean.
2020 June 18
In his essay Ideology as Barbarism and Infinite Regression: Jorge Luis Borges’s “The Theologians,” novelist Kevin P. Keating examines the notions of orthodoxy and heresy in Borges’ story, which he sees as an ambiguous response to the nature of authorship and the dangers of ideology. [PDF]
2020 January 10
The Garden of Forking Paths has reviewed Cy-Borges: Memories of the Posthuman in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges. Edited by Stefan Herbrechter and Ivan Callus, this collection of essays examines Borges from the angle of posthumanism and transhumanism.