Watt’s Stolen Page
- At August 03, 2021
- By Great Quail
- In Call of Cthulhu
Player Handout: Watt’s Stolen Page
Sister of the gods of the streets
Who burns across the river of Hell
Nâr Marratu
Queen of the Serpent-Kiss!
Brother to the Locust harvest
Who comes in a flaying whirlwind
King of Evil Spirits!
Grant me power to banish this vision!
Am I the only one who sees?
Am I the only witness?
Hear me! There is an ancient beast clothed in the mantle of the sea!
I do not want this vision!
I must clothe this vision in garments
Shod its feet in sandals
Belt its waist with cords of leather
Give it pots of water to drink
And send it walking into the West
Commit it to the care of Ne-Gab
The great gatekeeper of Hell
Who keepeth the Black Seal of Ab-Rakh
May Ne-Gab keep it in strict custody
May his key turn fast the lock.
Ah, but he who appalleth me is not for my flesh!
I am the scribe who sees in the Darkness between Aeons!
He is the dweller in the house of Nammu
And the caster of the shadow of Oannes
And the face behind the mask of Enki
He bestoweth the lipless kiss of bronze fire
And commandeth the waters of Apsu
Crowned with pale green flame
Friend of the worm and the fish
Like a clay pot shattered to pieces
By filling itself too proudly
He awaits the hands of the potters
Who will mend his scattered shards
Reborn and casting away all masks
He shall reclaim his name: Kth-Oân-Esh-El
Voice of alu’u lemnu sha pa la ishu atta
We who pray are fools
We are not his fathers or sons
We are his dogs and whores
And our children shall be his slaves
And their children the slaves of slaves
Ah, but I am the scribe who sees in the Darkness between Aeons!
He who appalleth me is not for my flesh!
Children of the Aeon to come,
Children of the starry revolutions
May you drive him away!
Bringer of False Dreams!
I cast thee out, Kth-Oân-Esh-El!
Haunter of the future,
You have no power here!
Edin Na Zu!
Edin Na Zu!
Edin Na Zu!
PDF Version of fully-formatted letter: Watt’s Stolen Page
White Leviathan > Chapter 1—Kingsport 1844 Handouts
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Author: A. Buell Ruch (With a little help from the Necronomicon)
Last Modified: 29 July 2023
Email: quail (at) shipwrecklibrary (dot) com
White Leviathan PDF: [TBD]