Letter from Sally to Watts
- At August 03, 2021
- By Great Quail
- In Call of Cthulhu
Player Handout: Letter from Sally to Watts
Dear Nurse Morten,
Thank you for your letter about Eli. I now this may suprize you, but I think the bastard got what he deserved. What did he expect, with all that talk of monster wales and Atlantis? The devil take him! Each day away from him, I am more and more happyer that I have left King’s Port behind. Here in Atlanta we fear God, and have no truck with the devilish ways of the sea. Here every Christian nows there place, and whiches and cannibles don’t walk free upon our good streets.
As for Eli’s ‘personal effects’, if you mean his dammed seachest, the contents can be scattered to the 4 winds. Make shure you give his skrimshaw trinkets to the hores in the Cauldron, thats were they was bound, anyway. And if Captain Job wants to take reponsibility for Eli’s carcass, thats fine too. I sartantly wont.
Please dont think me a crool woman. Beleve me, if you lived with such an adulterus, illtempered, rottin creature as Eli, you would feel the same way.
There is no need to contack me again, and God bless you always.
Sally Ketchum
PDF Version of fully-formatted letter: Letter from Sally to Watts
White Leviathan > Chapter 1—Kingsport 1844 Handouts
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Author: A. Buell Ruch
Last Modified: 4 October 2021
Email: quail (at) shipwrecklibrary (dot) com
White Leviathan PDF: [TBD]