New Spells
- At August 21, 2019
- By Great Quail
- In Call of Cthulhu
The Grimoire
The following spells are divided into four categories: Witchcraft, Cult Sorcery, Eldritch Magic, and Pacific Shamanism. Some of these spells are unique to White Leviathan, and some are variations of standard spells found in the “Grimoire” of the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, and assume the players have access to those descriptions. Those marked with an asterisk are adapted from spells found in Chaosium’s Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic.
This collection of spells originates in European paganism and is associated with witchcraft. They include: Enchanting a Black-Handled Knife, Charm to Beguile a Man, Hex to Dumbfound the Troublesome, Ward Against Harm, Encanto para hacer obedecer a los hombres, Witches Hex, Scrying Gaze, Ritual for the Creation of a Mandragora, Call Upon the Mandragora to Remain Unseen, Brew Sabbath Unguent, and The Rite of Aquelarre.
Cult Sorcery
Generally known as sorcerots, these spells are used by the Kingsport Cult, and belong to an occult tradition that stretches back to the Middle Ages. They include: Binding Oath, Coeur de Chêne (Heart of Oak), Main de Gloire (Hand of Glory), Masque Banal, Parler Suif (Candle Communication), Pouldre Noire du Diable, and Vincula Sanguinis.
Eldritch Magic
These ancient spells and rituals are directly rooted in the Mythos. They Include Convocandi Viridi Flamma (Summon Green Flame), Dream Dislocation, Eucharistia Viridi (Control Green Flame), Flesh Harrow, and Transfer Mind.
Pacific Shamanism
These spells are practiced in the Pacific, from Walakea’s Island to Kokovoko. They include: Bond with Blood Brother, Cast Out Evil Spirit, Call Upon the Ancestors, Command Shark, Spiral of Protection, Talk to Birds, Tentacles of Kith-Vloo’a, and Throw of the Seventh Suitor.
White Leviathan > Auxiliary Materials > New Spells
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Author: A. Buell Ruch
Last Modified: 10 August 2023
Email: quail (at) shipwrecklibrary (dot) com
White Leviathan PDF: [TBD]